20 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health and Beauty - allgados


Sunday, June 26, 2016

20 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health and Beauty

The benefits of Aloe Vera Aloe Vera very much beneficial for hair and skin and acne, but to be used as a natural remedy in some parts of the human body. Note the cactus in Latin called Aloe Vera or Aloe barbadinsis Miller. Aloe Vera is a plant which is known can be used as a natural remedy out of the body or parts of the body like hair growth and wound healing, skin care uses.

Boaiamanvat Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is often used as alternative materials for various complaints body inside or outside. Cactus called more famous to make Egyptians Cactus like plant of immortality.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for health:

Benefits of Aloe Vera is the first that we can classify human health. It can be used for a variety of complaints, whether outside or inside the human body. Given the very significant health benefits that people are turning to natural medicine and alternative. If we can summarize and understand exactly are the benefits of Aloe, and these include the following:

1. alkalisishan body
Alkalisishan a save acidity of the human body, and the food we eat contains acid. Ideally it is consumption of acidic foods 20% for foods containing acid levels and 80% of common foods that do not have levels of acid.

Aloe Vera juice one of alkaline foods. Our alkalisishan can help your body consuming Aloe Vera juice or balance acidity of the food we consume.

2. the body immune system
3. body detoxification/detoxification
4. mingorangi weight
5. heart and vascular health
6. sources of amino acids
7. against inflammation
8. help your digestive system
9. the source of vitamins and minerals
10. help diabetics

Benefits of Aloe Vera for healthy skin and hair

Benefits of Aloe Vera is the most popular help healthy hair and skin, which often contained in the benefits of vitamin e.

1. increase hair growth
According to a study by researchers at the University of Hawaii, using Aloe Vera for hair loss have been used since ancient Egyptian times. Aloe Vera contains an enzyme directly improve hair growth, make hair appear healthy. Proteolytic enzymes contained in Aloe is able to eliminate dead skin cells on the scalp that can clog pores and cause hair growth and difficulty getting food.

Cactus role here is to remove/break before killing the cells in the skin of the head, allowing more hair growth. Alkaline properties of Aloe Vera can help to bring the pH of the scalp and hair to the next level, so that it can optimize the process of hair growth. Besides, it also can help hair keep water and moisture.

2. anti-itchy
3. inflammatory
4. reduce dandruff
5. air conditioning
6. prevent hair loss

A summary of the benefits of Aloe Vera for hair

Relieves itchy scalp
Reduces redness & inflammation of the scalp
Add strength & hair gloss
Ph balance
Increase hair growth
Treat affected "psoriasis scalp & creamy"
Easily absorbed into the hair and scalp nutrient
Anti fungal dandruff relief properites
Poetry helps to maintain humidity & mastor
Benefits of Aloe Vera for skin

In addition to the health benefits of Aloe Vera and hair, also widely used separately, skin. Here's the information that you can make the guidelines in the use of Aloe Vera for skin.

1. the protection from the Sun
Aloe Vera gel is easily absorbed by the body, even to the epithelial layer of skin, which makes it easy to protect and provide moisture to the skin.

2. a moisturizer
3. ageing
4. reduce stretch marks
Certainly, you have any doubt about the benefits of Aloe Vera for hair and skin and body, of course. So maybe you can think of to start using it