A girl definitely has a very high sense of Sensitive than the guy. High sensitive sense that it possessed a girl, because the girl was being gentle and can not be treated with harsh.
So it is natural that if a girl is easy to get angry. But the problem when the girl was cranky definite dizziness boyfriend (if you already have a girlfriend). The guy must be thinking, how to defuse angry girl. In fact, not infrequently there are broken because - because the girl often angry. The following are things - things that can make a girl cranky, so make the guy you need to know!.
1. Praising another girl
It is very obvious. Naturally, the girl was angry because her boyfriend is praising another girl. Especially if the guy raving about another girl in front of her partner's eyes, surely the girl would be jealous. The girls will be jealous when seeing himself praised her boyfriend another girl.
2. Not the same focus his rants
Being a girlfriend that means the guy was always there when happy and sorrow. And the guy demanded to hear his girlfriend with good conscience. Do you try occasionally to pretend - pretending to listen to your girlfriend's heart, but when you are not listening. Because if like that, when he asked for an opinion on his heart, you must be confused want to answer what, even if you answer certainly will not connect you with the answer he said.
The girl will sulking because his words are not heard at his own girlfriend, he felt unappreciated as a girlfriend.
3. The same Busy friend
Having friends as much - many very nice things. Because with a lot of friends you can ask for help when you're in distress. It is very fun to play, joking banter and spend time with friends, but remember! Do not forget about your girlfriend. If you spend too much time with my friends, let alone to forget about your girlfriend, definitely he will sulk. Because the he feels that its existence as a boyfriend was like a sweetener alone.
So you also must be able to set the time, where the time to be with friends and where time to be with a girlfriend.
4. Busy same gadget
The gadget could be a very positive thing in relationships, but the gadget can also be a very negative thing. It downside is if you are spending time at a girlfriend, you do not ever busy with your gadget. Remember! you again the same date your girlfriend. The girl would feel very bored if the current date again, the boyfriend is busy each gadget. The girls will feel he is defeated by a gadget that has a price.
Even you are a girl who made the song, because - because his girlfriend was busy playing games on the gadget
5. Comment on weight
If a girl is very sensitive once commented on weight. So you do not ever comment on the weight either skinny or fat if the guns he would sulk. Quite silent if your girlfriend has a body weight that is large or small.