Orange a citrus fruit belonging to the family Rutaceae, which is a family of flowering plants, which also include pomelo, oranges, and grapefruit. Thecitrus native to Southeast Asia and is now cultivated worldwide in warm climates. Orange is classified into two categories: sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) and bitter orange (Citrus aurantium). Orange is one of the fruits of the most common and popular in the world. Highly preferred because of its availability throughout the year and had a good flavor.
Apart from the delicious taste, also contains many essential nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, and C. And eat the fruit of one orange provides nearly 100% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C. In addition, Orange is also a good source of amino acids, beta carotene and folic acid, pectin, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, chlorine and zinc. Orange and contains more than 170 different species of plant nutrients, and more than 60 species of flavonoids, which proved to be anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory strong. Oranges contain high amounts of antioxidants (vitamin C) and flavonoids in oranges makes it one of the best fruits in helping to improve the health of homosexuality.
Here are 15 health benefits of oranges:
1. prevent cancer:
may indicate adanyasenyawa in oranges and grapefruit lainnyayang called D- Limonene effective in preventing type tertentukanker such as skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, oral cancer and colon cancer. And vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant that protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.
2. Lower Cholesterol:
One satupaling flavonoids in oranges is hesperidin. It has been proven that Alheispareden and pectin in oranges helps reduce LDL cholesterol. Alheispareden much higher concentration disekam mind, not dipulpa orange. Pektinbekerja to memperlambattubuhpenyerapan fat and low cholesterol levels.
3. lowering high blood pressure:
Research has shown that the flavonoid hesperidin in oranges and magnesium can reduce high blood pressure.
4. Cardiovascular Benefits:
Oranges contain fiber and folic acid and Alheisbreden that promote the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Makanjerukhari helps to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
5. treatment of arthritis:
karenaanti-inflammatory, grapefruit helps reduce the pain of arthritis and kekakuanotot and joints. Dalamstudi in kesatuanepidemiologi diArthritis Research UK, it was found that one cup of orange juice segarhariterkait denganpenurunan risikopengembangan inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
6. proper brain development:
jeruksumber good folatatau folatyang acid helps dalampertumbuhan the tepatotak.
7. maintain healthy sperm:
Oranges contain merupakannutrisi folatyang acids essential for sperm and protects sperm from genetic damage that can menyebabkancacat born.
8. strengthen the immune system:
strong content of vitamin C in oranges merangsangproduksisel white blood in their body, and thus Ahasin immune system.
9. prevent kidney stones:
Regular consumption of orange juice can significantly reduce kidney risikobatu. And orange juice consumption may be more effective than other citrus juice dipencegahan kidney stones. However, adakebutuhan for further studies to evaluate the results.
10. encourage weight loss:
very low-calorie orange. Medium orange contains only 65 calories, making merekatambahan good for a healthy diet to lose weight. Also high in fiber, which can make you feel full longer, sehinggaakan eat small amounts.
11. maintain healthy skin:
The antioxidants in oranges melindungikulit from free radical damage known to cause signs tandapenuaan.
12. protect against infection:
Karenakelimpahanpolifenolflavonoid, grapefruit can help in protection against viral infection.
13. alleviate constipation:
a high proportion of fiber in oranges helps merangsangcairan digestion, and thus relieve constipation.
14. maintain healthy bones and teeth:
Oranges are also kayakalsium, which help maintain healthy bones and teeth properly.
15. ulcer prevention:
High fiber of orange, grapefruit may also help protect against ulcers. Studies show that makanjerukhari can help prevent heartburn.