Cloning has boomed over the last 15 years starting from the sheep named Dolly to a horse named Prometea.
1. Dolly, the Sheep Cloning First
Nevertheless, ethical issues and the impact of it is a matter of intense debate. Here are five cloned animals are considered to cause controversy by Nick Collins, a jurnalisTelegraph.
2. Sheep Named Dolly
Dolly's presence is a key milestone in genetic technology that showed that scientists could reverse cellular time by converting adult sheep cell into an embryo which later grew into a new sheep. Her birth sparked a fierce debate about the ethics and consequences of cloning. One writer claims that Dolly "looked at you with red eyes full of hatred". Rebuttal ethical oppose animal cloning is amplified when the sheep was criticized in 2003 after suffering from lung disease. Animals are overwritten with health problems also suffer from premature arthritis.
3. Rat Named Cumulina
Cumulina is the first of the 50s throughout three generations of identical mice created at the University of Hawaii in 1998. Animal cloning is called Cumulina because he is made of DNA cumulus cells surrounding the egg is developing in the ovaries of female mice. Cumulina is the first animal cloned from adult cells that survive to adulthood and produced two healthy litters.
4. Gaur (Bos Gaurus) Named Noah
Noah Gaur animals (species from Southeast Asia like bison), represents the first experiment conducted by scientists to clone endangered animals.
Scientists at the US hopes can take a major step in efforts to protect endangered species by giving birth to clones Gaur on a farm in Iowa. But Noah died shortly after birth in 2001.
5. Cat Named CC
CC, or Carbon Copy, who was born in 2001 is the first cloned pet. Scientists hope that creating a carbon copy cat could offer millions of pet owners the opportunity to raise animals peliharan family pet.
However, although the original Rainbow which is a fat cat and has a white color with brown spots, brown and golden, CC slender, with white and gray stripes. Moreover, both cats have different properties, Rainbow CC quiet but playful.
6. Cow Named Vandyk-K Integ Paradise 2
This animal is one of three that developed from cells taken from cows that won many races named Vandyk K Integ Paradise in America. Frozen embryos from cloning is implanted in surrogate moms in the UK.
Vandyk-K Integ Paradise 2 becomes the center of conversation when meat from cloned offspring that enter the market.