How To Deal With The Beating And Biting And Aggressive Child - allgados


Saturday, November 26, 2016

How To Deal With The Beating And Biting And Aggressive Child

I noticed repeating questions in more than one forum and a Web site by a group of mothers suffer from that their children Tanin tend to beating and biting and looking for ways to deal with them, made sure that the article is to show these words in order to assure your heart and make you more calm and feel Banke is not a parent the only ones that suffer from it and there are a large number of children are suffering from is aggressive it is not Bouktir but requires wisdom in handling and disposition and decided through the site messenger can provide are based on the medical theories in order to explain how to deal with the child's aggressive and is it a natural or scientific solutions It needs a doctor followers coming brighter lines and you will find the best solutions for your child's condition ..

What is the reason behind the child acts and behavior Adowneh
to do any solution to any problem should Tbgesa first examine the causes If Touselta to reasons make sure Lankan and Salta to the solution, first if Bgesta behind the causes of aggressive behavior for children will be there to serve is a natural pass by all the kids in the age and stage certain but the severity of a child is different to another, but if there must Ttmna your heart that your child is developing normally and that the child 's skills also grow naturally he became unable to express his inner feelings when angry resort to hitting, biting and aggressive in order to get what he wants Here he finds in his mind it was the only way to get to than and since you Touselta to the reasons you can think about in more than one solution for example , can Tljia to talk to him and Tguetrahi him other ways to express his feelings without resorting to violence, beatings and counting Wi - aggressive behavior feet of his solutions Other Hilji to her and leave the same act that displeases you he is still a child does not possess any experience.

But if my grandmother and child aggressive behavior is very steep it is not only dependent on he followed in order to receive Mairead it is a way of life for him is here must be to tracking and following tips may require it to Tljia to a therapist ..

Follow punishment method of logical and bitch about beating perfectly
you can be sure of the unit your child aggressive behavior by follow - up and use of the style of punishment makes sense with him For example , if Trkiah with kids to play with them and have fun and Ocdetah example lay games they sharply without doing a thing or throw the other ball kids for example , refuses to play with them and does them or beat them, here on you that has been used punishment approach makes sense where nationalist took him from the middle of the kids and sit next to him in front of these children as they play and Keep it notes the way they play and sacrificed his thing and Keep it notes the difference between them and him and leave his room and tell him that he when they are fully ready to join them and play with them again without doing any aggressive behavior that can and Atricka his decision and will tell him Banke sequential from afar and can put your Mkavah him if he adheres to the matter.

Try to keep up quite calm and bitch about emotion
as much as possible , try to keep up quite calm and bitch about the beating and yelling at him , it does not benefit him it makes him angry and inclined to stubbornness, but if the Jita to maintain calm will feel safe and will try to accommodate you and the often will try to imitate with other children tries to controls his temper and does not beat up others or bitten.

Naakecah always in everything he does , and being on the stability in reactions with him always
Observe the actions of your child is constantly and always if released from an aggressive act of hitting and biting and other nationalist directly discuss it , but quietly and have you have to Dickey stability of the reaction so accustomed to hearing and then expect he himself ceases to his actions over time to clarify if your child beat up or biting sister Aliki to tell him that "if you some or hitting your brother a second time will be beaten and will tell your father does not give you candy" and wait if he did so again Tell him the same previous text literally "" if you have some or hitting your brother a second time will be beaten and will tell your father does not give you candy ".. benefit here that when the baby comes the third time and think that the assault on his brother 's beating will remember your reaction ceases to beatings and back down so as not to be deprived of candy is not news of his father.

Finally, you can ask for help from his father, or as a person loves them so much my Mkavah him for the good work and talk with him Try to draw closer and if it Ahzta and that all of the above does not come with the score on you resort to the doctor and use his help.