How to Start a Business - allgados


Saturday, January 7, 2017

How to Start a Business

                                                  How to Start a Business

Open my own business is the selection of a stressful life but satisfying. It takes time and dedication. Must begin with the hope of working for a living to be successful and it can happen. There are many different opinions about how to start a business, but you can learn the general requirements.

How to start a business:
Part 1
Create an idea:
1.Ini starts with a good idea. You must have a business idea before anything else. It should be something exciting, because the new business will require time, money and energy.
To make a good idea, think what people need. Think about what you do not give anyone at this time in your area, or to think what can be provided with better quality or higher than anyone.

2.consider Whether it is worth something. Before further, whether seen your idea is realistic: Do something that people will buy ?. Is the benefit to be feasible ?. You have to analyze whether it is possible to apply these ideas.

3. Make sure it is unique. Whatever the idea should be something unique ?. This will help to eliminate competition and make your business more successful. Add a simple detail to an existing product or service, so let us continue to think!

Part 2
Creating a business plan:
1.Specify what operational costs. Need a solid plan to present to investors. On one side of the other, beginning any plan to determine how much to spend to start selling. You have to calculate how much it costs to produce a product or how much it will spend to provide services. This includes the cost of production, shipping, taxes, workers' salaries, rental of buildings, and others
Knowing the actual operating costs will be crucial in determining whether the business will be profitable, because it will get more than you spend to stay in business.

2.Specify potential market. Be realistic: how many people actually use your service? How much they would be willing to pay? If the numbers do not work, you should reconsider or change. ,

3. Determine the barriers. You have to plan in advance the problems that may arise in the business.
Evaluation competitors. If the market is very unstable. Nobody will pay the same price for products or services that already exist and the best known.
You should also be familiar with the regulations and laws, especially with regard to taxes and permits.
Make sure your business does not involve an affordable price, the equipment is very expensive. For example, the car business does not take off until Ford managed to make economy cars through the production chain.

Part 3
Make a plan of ad:
1.A quote. Once you have a general idea of ​​the money you have, create a budget that shows how much is available for advertising your business.

2.Creating ideas to suit any budget. After know how much money you have, you will find and determine the cost of various forms of advertising and begins with what is effective in the budget. If you have lots of money to spend on marketing, for example, think about the commercial recordings for radio or television. You should think about using social networks, which is a form of advertising that is efficient and inexpensive.

3.Plan time and place. After know what kind of marketing that will be used, then think of a more effective to place your ad, for example, every day, every month or every year.
You should ensure the ad is suitable for the type of people who become interested in your product or service. It makes sense to use social networks to promote the company's products. On the other hand, if you try to promote advertising in other places would not be a good bet. It makes no sense to announce a business is available in your area in the outside area, so think at the appropriate location.
If the service is seasonal, must analyze what the best time to promote them. In addition, television advertising will take time to reach the demographic impact.

part 4
Looking for funding:
1.Talking with the bank. It deals with financial institutions that have a good relationship. Asked what their financial products for new businesses and how they can benefit. By switching to a bank that already know you, it will be easier to access your financial records and trust to lend money for your new business.

2.Get local investors. There may be local businessmen or other people with a good economic position who have an interest in a successful business.

3. Find VC. Venture Capitalis company and investors are the ones with the power of high investment, and financial promise in exchange for equity shares (the public) and usually brings experience, knowledge and contacts to the management table. They usually work over a network or association.

4.More close to friends and relatives. It is more likely because they know you and trust your abilities and intentions. They are also the most likely to give support if things are difficult in the early stages of business. However, it is clear that the money they give is venture capital, which may be lost or did not receive the short term.

5.prepare report. Whatever the source of your funds, be sure to provide important information about accounting, strategy and operations periodically your investors. Usually it is done twice a year. We recommend that you set the board meeting if everyone is physically able to attend. If not, do so via teleconference.

Part 5
Building infrastructure:
1. Get the office. You need space to run a business. You can be at home if you do not need much space or do not need employees, or may require a complete local or shop. It depends on what is being done and how big your business is in want. Make sure the room is appropriate for the type of business and budget.

2.Get equipment. Purchase everything needed to start working. Such as mechanical equipment, computers, phones or craft supplies. Try to get good discounts by buying wholesale.

4.Create a system of records. You should be aware if it really needs a good system of record. It should work without failure and easy to consult. Invest in cabinets, shelves and software digital records to keep everything organized and monitored with ease.

Part 6
Create customer:
1. Use propaganda. You have to reach out to potential customers, so they want to access the service. This is important, especially at the beginning. And then will have a customer base to continue working.
Advertising will use their imagination to continue to think about your product. Be creative and take advantage of the positive things the client to want to approach your business.
Offering a free sample of what you do for people who are right, began to speak well of what is offered to people. Word of mouth is the best advertising. If you get bad reviews or negative feedback, respond positively and fix the problem. People will care if he sees you are willing to listen to criticism and fix it.

2. Using traditional network. Go to conferences, charity galas, meetings with similar businesses and anywhere that there may be a concentration of potential customers. In other words, show yourself to the community and interact with people. Using contacts to meet people who might be able to help.

3. Have good customer service. Be friendly and interact with people. Learn what people are saying. Most important of all, be humble. Maybe the customer is not always right, but you have to make them feel happy.

4.Having a website. The world moved to the network. Any business that wants to survive must have a website. People will use it to contact, find, meet schedules, asking for things, make suggestions and even to buy your product. By having a website and have services available on the network will have the possibility to expand the area of ​​action for the region or the world.

Part 7
Getting your money:
1.Request to Pay. Do not let anyone take advantage of you. Requires that payments for services or products in a certain time period (which is right in this sector). Make the bill as soon as possible. If someone is late paying, talk to him. If you ignore the problem and hope that resolved itself, will find yourself working for a free and break your business in a short time.

2.Accept credit cards and debit cards. And almost no one is paying cash for goods or services purchased. It will be easier for business and financial records if accepting credit card payments. If you want to save unnecessary costs and make the business more dynamic, consider using Square. These devices operate from a smartphone or tablet and allows to spend your customer card.

3.Conducting an online payment system. If it will offer products on your network, should make internet payment system. Services like Paypal is very safe and easy. Investigate which one best suits your needs and make sure it is safe. You certainly do not want anyone to steal data or your clients to take advantage.

  • Do not think that the business will be successful overnight. It takes time.
  • When hiring staff, be sure to interviews with workers and their labor to find the background. Make sure that they have a real and updated documentation, and to be honest and reliable.
  • Use free resources. Local library contains many references to the company, business plans, marketing, and information specific to your sector. Find out the area of ​​Commerce and local associations that offer training, counseling and other services for employers.
  • You acknowledge that opening a business from scratch takes time. Many businesses are not profitable from the start, so ask yourself the possibility. Consider the sacrifices that will tenjadi when it became the boss in your personal life.
  • Be sure to make a product or service of interest to the general public and communities in particular. Do not just viewed from the perspective of your own. Ask for advice and opinions of people or friends
  • Make payment easy and convenient. It offers card payment, monthly payments, 2x1 and other offers.
  • Be sure not to spend too much money. If you run out of funds, you can not continue.
  • Be sure to set aside time for yourself and family. Stick to a schedule of physical exercise and dedication to your family.
  • Beware of overly friendly partner, as they may be betrayed when not expecting it.
  • Never mix friendship with business.