How to Fight Fleas Hair - allgados


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

How to Fight Fleas Hair


Lice are parasitic insects that have a very small size and live in other organisms, -, there are species that live to make a living in the hair and lay their eggs on the hair and suck blood to eat, so it's hard to get rid of insects dirty on this one, and because of their small size breed scalp ,, because these tiny insects can cause health problems that cause severe itching, when they reach adulthood they are then planted their eggs between the hair and its host organism, these insects can be transmitted from one person to another or from one animal to man another through direct contact or even the exchange of personal care such as clothing and combs.

Symptoms of infestation: - there are a lot of symptoms that indicate infection in humans by ticks and include:

First: - feel strong itching, hives can be felt by the patient, not only in the head, but sometimes extends to the neck or the front of the head.

Second: - the emergence of a few bumps on the head: that which can infect the scalp due to scrape the scalp

Getting Rid of Hair Lice Naturally and Easily

1. Onion
By using onion. because it has a distinctive strong aroma. The aroma of onion is very disliked by fleas. Fleas can die instantly if inhalation of vapors onion, as well as the eggs will die before hatching.

2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can be used to eradicate lice until all the eggs. Apply coconut oil scalp or hair until smooth, cover with a towel and leave overnight.

3. Lime and White Wood Oil
Use a mixture of water and oil of lemon eucalyptus. The trick is liquid lemon and eucalyptus oil evenly kerambut while doing massage. use hair cover is made from plastic or use a dry towel. Let stand for about 2 to 3 hours then rinse with clean water and shampoo.

4. White Vinegar
If it is difficult with other materials, please try to tackle head lice using white vinegar. How to use is smearing white vinegar on the hair as she massaged. and cover your head, then let stand for 2 to 3 hours. and rinse using shampoo.
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