Netherlands Oddity Pictures - allgados


Friday, December 9, 2016

Netherlands Oddity Pictures

The Netherlands is one of the EU countries called the Kingdom of low land includes 12 European county located in the north-west of Europe and part of the Caribbean in that European country characteristic number of wacky and wonders whether natural or created by human take a quick look at the most important of those wacky:

Floating forest, Netherlands 

1. floating forest project: the first moment comesmind asforest insidewater, but that really what is a floating forest to plant trees over water bodies within Dutch city object been create dorderalleviate the phenomena global warming and increased atmospheric temperature phrase that trees are planted inside vessel floating on surface water and is moving around those vessels small boats ..

                                                  Flesh Museum in the Netherlands

2. body Museum of strangest museums in the world Museum takes you ontour insidehuman body attracts museum huge number of tourists and visitors annually Inside museum human body details like undermicroscope museum displays all parts body the forms by detail so that visitor from taking necessary information about human body what happening inside human body interactions and processes vital Museum Corpus museum located onhighway between Amsterdam and  wherewas opened in 2008 is unique museum of kind still on top oddity museums world because it allows visitors journey quasi fact inside human body and members see it works and offers courses on nutrition healthy food and how sports and exercise affect different organs and fet us and secrets Genesis and battles that occur within body.
                                                      Water village in Hoalnda

3. Water Streets: exotic and distinctive fornumber of Dutch Water streets cities that are navigable through water boats and streets without asphalt only greenery can navigate between streets village only boat ismost famous natural places exotic in world that combines the strangeness and beauty unique together nature.
                                             Public baths in the Netherlands

4. The public baths: the streets of Netherlands excelled What can the Dutch artist change form baths using highresolution images and mosaic pieces to coverwalls and give her beautiful special.
                                            Flowers-Holland Festival procession

5. processions flowers: the population different in Netherlands every year in month September parade floral displays procession Sculptures made of colorful and distinctive flowers that exist andgrown in Netherlands be procession very magnificence, creativity and surprising preparing population forconvoy three months fromdate priorand competing with 20 Dutch region to work flowers protruding .. !!

These exotic and strange things were ubiquitous within the Netherlands ..