How to be a good person - allgados


Monday, January 16, 2017

How to be a good person

Being a good person is the best way to understand our lives and the lives of others. Compassionate and be a positive force in the lives of people, this is something for everyone can grow if they so choose. If you want to know how to be good, read carefully the following articles:

How to be a good person
Part 1:
Developing friendly perspective:
1. In its most basic form
Kindness is the one who really care about and wish them well and recognize in it the same desires, needs, aspirations and even fear are the same as ours. Being a loving, patient, loyal and grateful. In the end, goodness is very concerned about all the things around us.

2. Do not be nice just to get what they want.
Beware of false kindness. Goodness is not about having selfishness, generosity counted, to do good to people just to manipulate to get what they want in life or pretend to be concerned about someone when we suppress anger or humiliation.

3.Be good for yourself.
Knowing yourself to see what is causing the pain and conflict and provide the ability to accept the inconsistencies and contradictions. In addition, knowing yourself is important for us to prevent the negative activities of others, which treats people
with love and kindness. .Take Time so they can be self-conscious and use this learning to be more gentle with yourself (remember that all have weaknesses) and with others.

4.Learning to be good to others.
Think about the people to really care and feel how to do it. Is experience a feeling of care every time I thought they ?, give strength even in the most difficult moment.

5.Cultivate goodness for the good of yourself.
Positive thinking can improve psychological health and give happiness.When offer kindness to others, we will also get rewards good.Although simple taste, the ability to be kind to yourself is a gift that strongly and consistently to strengthen itself

6.Familiarize focused on being good.
Be kind, gentle, compassionate when interacting with someone, especially when people tend to make us angry, stressed or worried. Take small actions in action the initiative to alleviate the suffering is an act of great compassion as well.

7.Good to everyone, not just those "in need."
Expanding the circle of kindness. This refers to the kindness of the people who really need (the sick, the poor, the vulnerable and those in need). We should do good to everyone, no matter who they are, their degrees, beliefs, place of origin, etc.

8.Leave aside the criticism.
If you really want to be good, then it should stop judging people. Instead of wasting time criticizing everyone to be positive and loving, then we can never learn true goodness. If we talk about gossip, then we can never become a person who is really good.

part 2
Develop quality care
1.Merciful love to others.
It is important to note in this sentence, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is a hard struggle.". Remember that others also feel the uncertainty, pain, distress, grief, disappointment and loss.

2. Do not expect perfection.
If you have a tendency to perfectionism, competitiveness or impulsive sense of urgency and ambition, and people will see you as someone who is selfish.

3. Do not forget to always present.
The biggest gift for showing kindness to others is to be at their side at all times, listening carefully and really take care of him. So that people do not see you as someone who is silent.

4.Being a good listener.
Listening to someone, make eye contact, are some of the biggest acts in kindness. Take the time to understand what others have to say something.
Being a good listener is not about being a great problem solver. Sometimes, just the best we can do is be there to listen, although we do not know how to fix the problem.

5.Being optimistic.
Happiness, joy and gratitude represent the heart of goodness. Keeping an optimistic attitude is to ensure that we perform acts of kindness that ikhlas.keeping optimistic attitude will help not just to be nice, but it will also be a reason for joy for those who surround us. If we spend a lot of time to complain, it would be more difficult to bring happiness to people.

6.Be friendly.
Some people tend to be friendly. This does not mean they are the most friendly, but they are trying to meet new people and make them feel at home. If there is someone new in school or work, you can try to talk to him and explain how things work and even invited to a social event. If you're shy, you do not need to change the personality completely. Just a little more effort to be friendly with people, ask them how they are and show their interest.

7.Be polite.
While being polite is an indication of kindness, courtesy demonstrates your respect for them. Being polite is a way to attract people's attention. Here are some simple ways to do this:
  • Finding a way to change the wording of the request or response. For example, I say "can you?" Instead of "I can?"; I say "I am surprised" not "unfair"; I said "let me explain" instead of saying "it's not what I'm saying." Rephrase your language and says a lot about you.
  • Keeping the door open so that people can pass, to avoid acting too vulgar and too confident with people you do not know.
  • Creating a true compliment.
8.Be grateful.
People who really care can express their gratitude with ease. They did not leave anything for granted and always thank people for their help. They know how to say "thank you", and it does not matter whether they receive assistance or not.

part 3
Take action:
1.Mencintai animals and all living creatures.
Love animals and care for pets is goodness in action. Nobody forced us to take care of beings from other species. However, actions loved animals is an expression of profound kindness. Similarly, be nice to the world that sustains us and nourishes us are actions that a reasonable and good, therefore, we must make sure not to poison the elements that give us a healthy life.

Good people feel good to share. You can share your favorite sweater, half of your favorite foods or even career guidance advice to someone who is younger than you. The important thing is to share something really valuable, not get rid of something we do not need.

Smiling is a simple act of kindness can give excellent results. Getting used to smile at strangers, friends or acquaintances. While not having to walk all the time with a smile plastered on the face us, if smile at people, they will
return the smile, which will bring a little joy to your day.

4.Attention on others.
Some ways to show attention to people: If you care about someone who has an important event in his life, asks how he go.If someone you know has an important exam or interview soon, wish him luck. When talking with someone, be sure to let the talk, at least for half a conversation. Not mastering conversation and focus more on others than themselves sendiri.Ketika talk to people, make eye contact and keep the phone. Show them that they are the first priority.

5.Perform a random act of kindness.
Some random acts of kindness are:
  • Helping someone carrying a heavy bag
  • Leave a gift in someone's door
  • Take a few minutes to guide people who lost even in a hurry.
Tips and Advice
  • Acts of kindness grow from one person to another. Therefore, it should be good without expecting anything in return. However, the goodness that is given back to you.
  • Uttered the words, "How are you? And listen to their answers.
  • Do not think only in the short term; good deed might be able to teach someone to do a good deed for someone else.
  • Make dinner for a friend through a difficult time.
  • Helping to carry the bag for someone who has trouble doing so.
  • If you know someone smiles at you, do not hesitate to smile back; This is the attitude good.
  • Be kind to the poor or homeless and give them food or money.
  • Do not show off works better than you, be humble.
  • Doing something nice just to ingratiate himself with people around is not an act of goodness. Helping someone selflessly can produce the same pleasure.
  • If you are very angry or upset with someone, keep in mind that the act of kindness creates a larger debt.