How to treat a bee or wasp stings - allgados


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How to treat a bee or wasp stings

Bee or wasp stings can cause discomfort and pain. In most cases, home care enough to make sure the affected area feel better in a few hours or within 1 or 2 days. However, it is important to know the difference in the treatment of bee or wasp stings, and especially how to determine whether suffer severe reactions to stings; so as to seek appropriate medical care.

How to treat the bites of bees and wasps
part 1
Care bites:
1.Evaluate the body's reaction to the bite.
If you have suffered a few bites in the past and currently own or have an allergic reaction that is present in the venom of wasps or bees. The reaction rate will determine whether further treatment or require professional medical treatment.
Mild reaction will be located in an area that has been stung. Usually inflate a red welt with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. However, some people will have a red and swollen area with a diameter up to 5 cm.
Symptoms of mild and moderate reactions, diarrhea, cough or difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue and throat, weakness, rapid pulse, low blood pressure, loss of knowledge, and even death if not treated quickly. If you have these symptoms, immediately call an emergency number in your area or brought to the hospital.

2.Specify what has been bitten.
Early first aid depends on the type of insect that has bitten. However, in both cases involves discomfort and swelling in the area of ​​the sting.
Wasps do not leave their sting, but honeybees will leave the barbed stinger.

3.give first aid on the bite
Wash the bite area gently with soap and water. Use cold water to reduce discomfort. Hot or warm water will increase circulation to the area and intensify swelling. Then apply a cold compress or ice to reduce swelling. If using ice, there is a towel between the ice and the skin, so it will reduce the cold on the skin surface. Apply a cold compress or ice for 20 minutes every hour until relieved.
If the area is very itchy stings, can consume antihistamines such as Benadryl to relieve it. In addition, it can also use corticosteroid creams to reduce itch response in the bite area.
If you feel pain in the area of ​​the sting, can consume ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Follow all of the dosage instructions on the bottle.

4.Manage first aid in an area that has been in the sting.
One must first remove the stinger or barb stings. Because this will have a venom sac attached, which will continue to manage the toxins in the body after the bee is gone. Instead, wash your hands and then scratching the stinger with a finger to remove the stinger.

5.Apply some home remedies.
In the case of general bites do not cause allergic reactions, it would be appropriate to use home care after giving first aid. In most cases, the signs and symptoms related to bites will disappear after a few hours or within 1 or 2 days.But, there are some home remedies that can ease the burning sensation of the sting. Among these are the following:

  • A paste of baking soda. Baking soda will help relieve or reduce swelling and relieve itching.
  • Apply honey on the sting area to reduce swelling and discomfort. Honey has antibacterial properties.
  • Destroying a few cloves of garlic and apply on the bite area.
  • Garlic also has natural antibacterial properties.
  • Lavender essential oil can help reduce the pain of the stings of bees and wasps, applied to the affected area.

6.Monitoring symptoms for a while.
In most people, swelling and itching decreases within a few hours if there are home remedies are used. The more severe reactions, the symptoms will last longer. See if the symptoms listed below, in a few minutes or an hour reaction came after the bite and showed a serious reaction. Seek help if you suffer from one of the following symptoms:
  • stomach ache
  • anxiety
  • shortness of breath and wheezing
  • discomfort or tightness in the chest
  • cough
  • diarrhea
  • dizzy
  • itchy
  • palpitations
  • difficulty speaking
  • swelling of the face, tongue or eyes
  • unconsciousness
Note that also have reported unusual reactions to bee stings and wasps, of whom have persistent symptoms lasting many months, serum sickness, encephalitis (swelling of the brain) and Parkinson's secondary (symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease) after anaphylactic shock. However, this is very rare stings from bees or wasps

part 2
Identifying bites:
1.Knowing difference between wasps and bees.
People can be confusing which wasps and bees as both cause painful sting. However, it is important to know and be able to identify the differences between them so as to administer the appropriate treatment. Bees and wasps are members of the order Hymenoptera (or membrane-winged) insect, but they look different and have different habits in lifestyle, such as:
  • Their bodies have different proportions. Bees, a length of about 2.5 cm and body are completely black. Wasps are black or brown with yellow stripes. Bees also have hair. In addition, the wasps have a narrower waist and skin smooth and shiny. Bees have two wings, while the wasps have four.
  • Bee colonies are much larger and have more than 75 000, while the wasps live in colonies of less than 10 000. wasps hibernate during the winter, but the bees do not; but remain in the nest for months in the winter. Wasps can not produce honey. Sari plant consuming bee pollen, while consuming pollen wasps and other insects.
  • Honey bee can sting only once. their sting is barbed and remain in one's body. Honeybees die after the attack. However, wasps can sting multiple times.
2.Note sting appearance.
Bee stings and wasps look very similar in general. For this reason, it may be useful to know or identify the bite.
Immediately felt a sharp burning pain in the bite area.Ini be popping red welt after a few minutes.
A small white spot appears in the middle of the welt, in bite. area near the bite may swell a little.
Search thorn in the red area, to determine whether there has been stung by honeybees.

3. Do not provoke or disturb bees and wasps.
Bees are usually benign and only attack when provoked. In addition, predatory wasps are more aggressive by nature. In general, should remain calm as close as bees and wasps.
Wasps and bees attracted to sugary drinks, food and garbage.

Tips and advice
  • Determine whether it has experienced a bee or wasp stings. If there is a thorn in the skin, do not squeeze.
  • Most bee or wasp stings will heal itself within a few hours.
  • Evaluating the allergic response to shocks. If emergency care is required, please contact the emergency number in your area.
  • Use red clothes, bees and wasps can not see the color of it.
  • Do not wear loose clothing where bees and wasps can be trapped.
  • Use as little attractive scent, such as perfume, cologne, scented soaps, hairspray and other fragrances.
  • Do not let the outside lights lit longer than necessary at night. light will attract insects and predators that feed on them, like wasps.
  • Do not hit the wasps. Body wasps released chemical alarm that will notify the other wasps of the area that has struck them. Similarly, if a bee stings, it will release a chemical alarm that will attract other bees.
  • Call emergency numbers if symptoms or serious response to bee or wasp stings. In the emergency room, you will need epinephrine to reduce the intensity of the reaction. This will reduce the histamine response, blood pressure and reduce lung constriction. Delays in the use of epinephrine has contributed to the death of the person who is not given immediately.