Does Vitamin E Reduce Breast Cancer Risk And Improve Treatment? - allgados


Friday, July 14, 2017

Does Vitamin E Reduce Breast Cancer Risk And Improve Treatment?

Does Vitamin E Reduce Breast Cancer Risk And Improve Treatment?
Can vitamin E reduce the risk of breast cancer or medical help? The answer is yes or no. What concerns us is what kind of vitamin E compounds are talking about, as they may have side effects. Let's take a quick look at vitamin E, and its kind, and how it works, and its relationship to breast cancer.

What is vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin and has antioxidant properties. Because this vitamin is fat soluble it can be stored in one body, and if you get a lot of it, you can get too much storage. It may be good if you do not get enough in your diet for a period of time, but it's not our body designed to store large amounts of fat soluble vitamins generally also our kidneys do not get rid of them as you do with water soluble vitamins.

Because vitamin E vitamins dissolve in fat Amasash is better with foods that have at least some of the fat, and vitamin E on an empty stomach can not be absorbed.

What is the type of vitamin E - tocopherol?
There are several types of vitamin E, and it is important to know which differences. These include:
- alpha - tocopherol.
- gamma tocopherol.
- Tokotreynol.

It is important to separate the different types of tocopherol when discussing the benefits, as some supplements contain certain tocopherols only, and different Altokovirollat ​​them with different and sometimes entirely opposite effects.

Food sources of vitamin E are often gamma tocopherol and Tokotreynol.

How is vitamin E?
The function of vitamin E in the main body is to allow the functioning of nerves and muscles. Part of the tocopherol molecule is perfect for allowing to penetrate on the cell wall, and other parts can give up a hydrogen atom to determine which harmful free radicals in the cell.

Sources of vitamin E foods:
Includes sources of food from vitamin E which are many types of vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, peanut oil, olive oil and soybean oil, and there are many seeds, grains and meat, with dark leaves and some vegetable fruits.

High doses of vitamin E:
High doses can reduce with the ability of platelets to stick together, and thus may increase the risk of bleeding in people suffering from blood thinners. High doses of this vitamin wise symptoms can cause diarrhea and nausea. Several studies have shown the occurrence of heart problems in people taking high doses of vitamin E.

Vitamin E protects against breast cancer:
I have studied vitamin E is a potential role extensively in cancer prevention. Some types of vitamin E. are effective antioxidants, and this means that they can reduce the activity of harmful free radicals in the body. It is believed that free radicals cause cancer with direct damage to DNA.

And studies of women have found that diet containing high levels of vitamin E system is associated with significantly lower risk of breast cancer. However, a study with dietary supplements in finding a very significant reduction in risk except for people who have a genetic predisposition for breast cancer failed. It is believed that alpha tocopherol may have been found in dietary supplements and Aata has no effect on vitamin E diet containing gamma-tocopherol and other forms of vitamin E.

What should you do? Is a diet rich in vitamin E during adolescence is associated with lower risk of breast cancer, and this includes other nutrients, so we should encourage healthy choices for our children.

For those who have a family history of breast cancer, especially breast cancer before menopause as observed vitamin E foods are considered the best. Alpha-tocopherol supplements do not seem to be associated with reducing much of the risk at all.

Vitamin E and treatment of breast cancer:
It is important to realize that you should talk to oncologists before taking any supplements or dietary supplements during cancer treatment.

As with the prevention of breast cancer, vitamin E supplements containing alpha tocopherol do not appear to have a significant impact on breast cancer.

And laboratory studies but indicate that Altokotreynol appears to have a tamoxifen effect on estrogen receptor positive breast cells and works to induce apoptosis of breast cancer cells.......