How to get rid of pimples fast - allgados


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

How to get rid of pimples fast

                                                     How to remove acne

No one wants to live with acne, especially if you will be attending the big event. With the right products and techniques, you can begin to leave the acne as soon as possible. Although it is generally not possible to completely eliminate grains that have grown on the face overnight.

How to remove acne
1. To get rid of acne. Acne is caused by bacteria that have invaded the pores, and the first step to fight it is with a mild acne cleanser effective.
Some people use a washcloth to wash his face, but the hands are equally effective and less irritating.

2. Use astringents
Use astringent on the affected area. Astringent is a pharmaceutical agent contract skin contains antimicrobial ingredients that help fight acne and also reduce its size. Astringents is the fastest and most effective way to do if you have limited time.

Consider using a natural astringent. You probably have something in the kitchen or refrigerator with astringent quality that can be used without having to go to the store. If you want to try to eliminate acne as quickly as possible, consider using one of the natural ingredients following:
banana peels are useful for treating insect bites and the mosquito, and can be useful for reducing the size of a few grains of acne. way is to gently rub a banana peel on the affected area.

3. Use salicylic acid. Such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid to kill the bacteria responsible for grain growth. Also cause cells come more quickly, which stimulates the growth of new skin. Put a small amount of salicylic acid in the affected area before going to bed and after washing your face.

4. Use witch hazel. Looking witch hazel that do not contain alcohol. Apply a small amount over the affected area and let dry.

Green tea is a substance that is filled with lots of antioxidants that help reduce the signs of aging by fighting free radicals. Soak a tea bag in hot water a little, and put the moment in areas affected by acne.

5.Ice cube applied if necessary. Rub ice cubes on acne on the face to numb the area. When your face is numb, stop. Do not touch your face until it warms up again.
Ice will help reduce pore size by the contraction of blood vessels under the skin. If acne is painful, this will help reduce the pain.

It is the only drug proven to reduce the size of the home and the number of acne.

6.Try tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an essential oil antibacterial that can destroy microbes that have lived in the pores. Using a pipette, slightly wet the cotton with tea tree oil and apply on the acne

7.powdered aspirin. Powdered aspirin tablet and add water as needed to make into a paste. Then apply on the acne. Allow to dry. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory, that is, which helps the skin to fight inflammation. Let the pasta aspirin against acne overnight.

8.Try tooth paste. Tooth paste containing silica, be sure to use a natural tooth paste when applied to the skin. Some tooth pastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate can irritate the skin.

9.Sleep. Lack of sleep and stress can cause hormonal changes, which in turn makes your face more prone to acne. Total sleep 8 hours every night.

10.Overcoming stress in your life. Doctors are not entirely sure, but they know that there is a relationship between stress and skin disorders, especially between stress and acne. Somehow, the cells that produce sebum, which is an ingredient that ultimately causes acne, and lost control when a person experiences stress.

Find creative solutions to stress. Some people were turned away from stressful situations by climbing. paint on the canvas, and relax, you should do it more often.

11.Try some meditation techniques. Meditation takes time, but it will make life calm

12.Wash hair regularly. Oily hair can cause acne. In addition, changing your pillow case every week. Oil from the face and hair were transferred to pillowcases tend to be dirty and being obnoxious. Should be avoided.

If you have long hair, tie it back, away from the face.

13.Using always sunscreen when exercising outdoors. Use sunscreen that will not interfere or injure the skin.

14.Bath or wash after exercising. The pores become clogged with dirt and salt residue left behind during exercise. Be sure to wash the body, especially the face after exercising.

15.Drinking oral acne medications. Has been shown to reduce or eliminate various forms of acne. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist about medications that may be more effective for you.

16.oral contraceptives, such as birth control pills are sometimes used to treat acne. Birth control pills regulate hormones produced by the body, so it can reduce acne.

17.Other oral. Antibiotic that attack bacteria that cause acne. This can help reduce the number of outbreaks and fight inflammation. It is usually given to patients with a higher dose first and then the dose is reduced.

18.In severe cases, isotretinoin, or Accutane is available by prescription. Isotretinoin is a derivative of vitamin A that produce sebum. It has different risks and side effects that you should consider before starting treatment.

19.get rid of dairy products. Due to the hormones in dairy products, several studies have established a link between consumption of dairy products and acne, which causes one of the best publications in dermatology to write an editorial on a diet without milk, where he urged people to reduce the consumption of milk

-.Don not Squeeze acne, unless absolutely necessary. Item burst causing redness, irritation and inflammation.
-.Don not Touching the face, because the hands have a lot of germs.
-.Disconnect Some mirror room of your home to avoid the temptation to squeeze pimples ..

For severe cases, consult your physician or dermatologist to recommend you how to treat acne.